Islamic Rulings On Pictures 

And Using Filter

In this lecture, I will explain you the true Islamic rulings about picture and videos.

1. Any picture drawn by hand or captured by camera for respect or honor is Haram (forbidden).

2. All the hand drawn pictures of any living creature are Haram. Either it is drawn for respect or not, it is haram (forbidden). because we can not make the exact copy of that creature that Allah has created and If we make a very minor change in it even by mistake then we have spoiled the creation of Allah.

3. To take pictures or make videos by camera or mobile phone is not haram. It is not forbidden in Islam but if you take picture or video for purpose of respecting it or worship it then it is forbidden otherwise it is not forbidden because when we take picture or make video of a person with camera then we do not make any changing in it, we just like make an exact copy of it just like Mirror. Mirror is the simplest example of it. As seeing yourself in mirror is not haram in Islam, like this taking picture of yourself or make video of yourself is not haram. Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.) had used the mirror, no one argue on it.

4. All the things that are allowed to see with eyes are allowed to see in pictures or videos. Just like, the things that are forbidden to see with eyes are forbidden to see in pictures or in video e.g. to see an unrelated-woman, to which you can marry is haram with eyes, then it is also haram to see it in picture or video.

5. The main problem that I want to repeat again is that you can not take picture or video for respecting it or honoring it or worshipping it even with camera. e.g. you take a picture and hang it on wall and decorate it with flowers then it is haram because you are respecting it. only These type of pictures and videos are haaram. Others are allowed but some scholars that these are haram too, so that is their point of view and respect them but i want to explain them that there was a toy horse who have wings in the home of prophet Muhammad saw to which Hazat Aysha r.a played, so if a statue that is not created for honor or worship is halal then the pictures that are not taken for honor are also halal. in addition Hazrat Aysha r.a had also played with dolls so if dolls are not haram then pictures are also not haram. These toys were allowed because a child do not respect his/her toys, sometimes children throw their, sometimes they sit on them, sometime they spoil them.

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