Brother, I respect You and Your Religion i.e. is Christianity very much but there some misunderstandings.
The one of them is that Jesus Christ is God. I do not believe this and I challenge you that if you point out a single verse from Bible that Jesus Christ himself said that I am God and worship me then I will accept Christianity.
You said Jesus is God as far as Muslims are concerned Islam is the only Non-Christian faith which make it an article of faith to believe in Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H). No Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus Christ. We believe that he was one the mightiest messengers of Almighty God. We believe that he was born miraculously without any male intervention which many modern Christians do not believe. We believe that he give lives to the dead with God’s Permission.
Jesus Christ has never claimed that I am God and there is not a single verse about this in complete Bible. I know many people say that Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H) is God but I would like to say that If someone say that you are God, will you believe that you are God? The answer is simply No. Then why you say that Jesus is God.
In Gospel of Mark Ch: 12 V: 29, He said:
The God, our Lord is one God.“
I love Jesus Christ, I respect Jesus Christ and I also accept that he is not God. If you are true Christian than you should follow the teachings of Christ not anyone else.
If you say a Christian is a person who follows the teaching of Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H). It is mentioned in Book of Ephesians Ch: 5 V: 18 that Do not be drunk with wine. We Muslims we do not have alcohol but many of the Christians have alcohol. Furthermore, we Muslims do not have poke. It is mentioned in the Bible in the Book of Leveticus Ch. 11 V. 7–8 , in the Book of Deuteronomy Ch.14 V.8, in the Book of Isaiah Ch. 65 V. 2–5 that you should not have poke. We Muslims do not have poke but Christians have poke, most of them. Furthermore, Jesus Christ he was circumcised on 8th day according to Gospel of Luke Ch.2 V.21. We Muslims are circumcised but most of Christians are not. If a Christian means a person who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H) then I am proud to say that we Muslims are more Christians than Christians themselves.
So, brother I invite you to be Muslim,I invite you to get real success in both worlds, I invite you to accept Islam as it is the best religion. I know you may be wondering that after a single answer I am saying you that accept Islam. You can research about Islam and Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). You can watch the videos and lectures of our Great Islamic Scholar Dr. Zakir Naik. You can watch this video of him about the similarities in Christianity and Islam. At the end,I would like to say that If any of my talk has hurt you then I am extremely sorry from my heart.


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